If you wish to issue the same amount of points to all the customer accounts, you can bulk issue points.
1. [Advanced mode] -Go to [Customers>Manage customers>Customer information] on your admin page.
[Smart Mode] - Go to [Customers] on your admin page.
2. Search for customers and click on [Export as CSV] on the top right corner of the list to download the customers’ data.
3. [Advanced mode] - Go to [Customers>Incentives>Points] and click on [Bulk adjust points] on the top right corner of the list.
[Smart Mode] - Go to [Promotions>Points] and click on [Bulk adjust points] on the top right corner of the list.
4. In the popup page, click on [Download template].
5. Input the customer data you downloaded in step 2 into the excel file you downloaded in step 4 and save the file.
6. Go back to the popup page from step 4 and upload the edited file using [Choose file]. Adjust the reward settings in the [Reward/Deduct points] field and save your settings by clicking on [Import CSV] at the bottom of the page.
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