You can display a product in more than one category.
Edit per product
1. [Smart Mode] - Go to [Products>Product list] on your admin page and click on the product you want to display.
2. Scroll down to the [Status settings] section on the [Edit product] screen.
3. Click on the categories you want to display the product in. (Multiple selection possible)
4. When you have completed all your changes, click [Save].
Bulk edit products
1. [Smart Mode] - Go to [Products>Product list] on your admin page and choose the desired product categories.
2. Check all the products you want to edit and click [Change product category].
3. In the [Change category] pop-up, choose the product categories you want to display the chosen products in. (Multiple selection possible)
4. Click [Change to], [Add to], or [Remove from the chosen product categories] to make changes to the chosen products.
5. When you have completed all your changes, click [Save].
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